thanks for coming!

A big thank you to everyone who braved the weather to visit our open house! Elizabeth I had a great day visiting with everyone.

For those who couldn’t make it- here’s what you missed!



We had my big work table covered with Elizabeth’s Farmwurx ceramics , there were lots of mugs, bowls and treasures of all kinds. And my favourite Word Ware  bowls… with their sometimes cheeky saying about for and eating. They are  on the right hand side of the image below. If you see anything you can’t live without contact Elizabeth.



Those are my Imprint scarves hanging in the background- or at least the two that were left! It was so busy when we first opened I completely forgot to take any images…I know!I know!  I do it all the time.

Our “flight of fancy” managed to survive the rain and damp, which is no mean feat when you consider the paper our birds are made of are reclaimed outcasts from the pulp mill. The paper itself is very stiff and difficult to work with -until it gets wet- or even thinks about getting wet- then it turns to mush!


“flight of fancy” ( I love this definition – “an idea which shows a lot of imagination but which is not practical or useful in real situations”) was hanging in the greenhouse- not the driest of places at the best of times but as you can see- it was raining, which made the definition really ring true!




As I mentioned above – and always seem to be saying – it’s been raining  here. Ned and I have managed a few walks by the river but there’s been no swimming- he would be swept away!


Bye for now, Catherine

sneak peek

It’s our open house on Saturday and hopefully you will brave the rain and come over for a visit!

openhouse 15

Just to tempt you out here’s a sneak peek of our installation, though it doesn’t look like much yet…it will!


I’ll tell you all about it after Saturday, complete with pictures.

I’ve been printing up a storm! and have gotten quite carried away with the process so…rather than drowning in eco-prints these silk scarves will be for sale at the open house. I promise to iron them first….


Bye for now, Catherine